World Economic Forum: ”rational reasons” to put tracking chips in children
How would you like to implant a chip in your child?
Remember when people laughed at you and called you a crazy conspiracy theorist for suggesting they would want to put microchip implants in people?
Guess what! In a post on the World Economic Forum website there has now been written an article suggesting that there are ”rational reasons” to implant a tracking chip in your child!
This is insane.
In the article the point is made that just like visual and hearing aids are a part of our lives today, chip implant technologies could become the norm in the future.
In other words, they want people to have chip implants in their bodies, think of it kinda like a cyborg. However the correct term would be transhumanism.
”For example, should you implant a tracking chip in your child? There are solid, rational reasons for it, like safety. ” it says on the WEF website.
It is now required in many countries that we microchip our pets. How long until they want us to start microchipping our children? That could very well be a possibility the way things are going.
So what is it exactly that they are talking about? Well they are talking about ”augmentation” and give a few examples of implants and things people can get such as exoskeletons and brain-computer interfaces. Of course this will help humanity!
It will help ”children in a learning environment, professionals at work and ambitious senior citizens”. In other words, they want to build superhumans with the help of implants.
What could go wrong?
Talks of these kind of things was previously reserved for crazy conspiracy forums, now the WEF themselves are openly talking about this future.
But wait, there’s more! With this kind of technology you could even use your phone to have the ability to sniff out pathogens!
”Carrying around the equivalent of a dog’s nose in a gadget like your phone or a wearable like a necklace can be handy to sniff out COVID-19 or food allergens”
But it starts sounding even more dystopian.
Just read what the article says next.
”Brain implants take us one step further and allow us to tap straight into the body’s ”operating system”...Most applications will remain based on a medical necessity rather than a mind reading tool”
Oh great, that sounds just like something out of a dystopian science fiction novel, but of course it is for your own good, it will only be used for medical reason, you can completely trust the WEF on that! They could even cure depression with brain implants. Amazing.
Remember when Pfizer CEO talked at the World Economic Forum about having a ”biological chip” in tablets that sends signals to indicate you swallowed the tablet?
”Imagine the applications of that, the compliance”
Nothing to see here, move along please.
It’s all for your own good, for your health of course!
But this kind of thing is actually already happening as I have reported on before. In Sweden some 6000 people have already gotten a microchip implant in their hands to use for cashless payments.
Where have I heard about these kind of things before?
”And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Rev 13:16-17
Not only are people using those microchip implants in Sweden for cashless payments, some even uploaded their covid passports on it so all they had to do was scan their hand to get green status!
You can read my article on that here:
For some reason it seems like they want to merge humanity with technology and honestly that sounds more than a little scary.
“For your safety”. God I hate that phrase. It’s been bastardized by the evil pricks
Never, never , never. My godge this is just unnacceptable. May we stop these demons