I live an hour away and had no Idea it took place until a few days after when Jessica Rose wrote about it. Sad I missed it but glad I can watch them now.

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I almost missed it too. Läkar Uppropet are being censored heavily on social media. They were just banned from Facebook.

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Yeah and I don't do social media. I signed uppropet but i didn't receive their newsletter.

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Thank you for the links!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Thank you so much for this!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Peter Imanuelsen

Thanks for sharing. I follow Dr Malone and Jessica Rose, both outstanding, and watched videos.

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Thanks. I had some extra time during these early morning hours to read some texts and listen Dr. Maseem. Dr. Malone is an excellent professional with high ethical wisdoms. We have Dr. Mikko Laakso here in Finland and you can reach him via Twitter. I suggest You to read his case because the government took away his rights to work professionally. Search likewise internationally respected Dr. Mikko Paunio also: he has wrote regarding the circular economy- how the recycling system created by the politicians is actually very destructive with massive costs. The implementation concerning the new laws for big tech and pharma is a deep human rights phenomenon - but the possibilites to engage with the higher moral standards is in essence here in West - and urgently needed via legistations. A million euros or even billion dollars is not a big punishment if the total assest includes many billions annual. You have a new, fresh Government in Stockholm with the altered paradigm already they argue and we are waiting for the spring elections and more, better changes here in Finland. It is really possible that Finland with Sweden will form a joint currency area due to the ekruna by Riksbank and Blockchain technology based future: to guarantee fair and safe elections etc. Looking forward to interact with You.


-- Gabriel Thuneberg P.S. Where is Stefan Ketola moving nowadays?

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No to mass mind control and yes to rational moral thinking, wholesome natural immunity foods, non redefined family/gender constructs.

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Thanks, I read this on my podcast.

I'm always looking for guests too. andyz7@verizon.net

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Thank you so much for sharing this!

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Thanks, I covered this on my podcast.

I'm always seeking guests as well. andyz7@verizon.net

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