I’m old enough to remember when people were called crazy conspiracy theorists for saying that covid passports would become a thing.
Only a year later they did indeed become a thing. So much that people were banned from partaking in many public activities if they did not have their papers in order.
People were banned from restaurants, hotels, public transport and more in not just one country, but several countries. In some places, police would patrol the streets to check that people had their papers in order, something I did not thing that we would ever see in Europe in my lifetime. But it did happen.
In fact, people became second class citizens in their own countries. In some countries, people were even banned from going to work if they didn’t have their covid passport.

The same people who warned about covid passports, are now warning about digital ID, cashless society and social credit scores. We must say no to that kind of future.
The thing is though, the concept of a ”health passport” is not something new. You probably never heard about this on the media, but did you know that the Germans in the 30s and 40s actually had something called a ”gesundheitspass”?
Literally translated it means ”health passport”. Huh. Why did you not hear anything about this on the news? In fact, it is almost impossible to find any reliable information about this German ”gesundheitspass” online. There’s not even a wikipedia page. However, I did do some research into this several months ago and managed to come across some information on what this passport exactly was.
I had to go to German speaking websites to find reliable information, and it is no wonder that the mainstream media refused to talk about it. This ”gesundheitspass” was in fact used by the Nazis to monitor the state of health. Sounds familiar?
If you want to read more about the ”gesundheitspass”, make sure to check out my longer article going into detail on it. It took me many hours of research to write that article, so it is exclusive for paid subscribers. Your support helps me keep going and write these articles and is highly appreciated :)
Nobody would have thought that people would be discriminated and segregated because of their medical status. Yet it did happen and it only took a few years. Many people just accepted it without thinking much further. That’s the power of the media.
It is important that tyranny is never allowed to happen again. We must stand up for freedom, democracy and human rights.
Thankfully, many countries have begun easing restrictions lately. Sweden, Norway and Denmark removed all restrictions completely and life has been going on like normal.
Now we are looking at something new. A breakout has taken place of another disease called monkeypox. Belgium has already imposed 21 day quarantine for patients and Britain is advising ”high risk” close contacts to isolate.
Sweden has already classified monkeypox as a ”disease dangerous to public health” and Swedish health authorities are already talking about looking at restrictions.
While I do think that it is sensible and important to be cautious whenever a disease with such a high fatality rate as this is spreading, we must not allow panic to take over. Don’t spread fear. Some things make sense. If someone is infected with monkeypox, they should obviously stay home, just like one would do with any other illness.
But we must make sure that tyranny doesn’t take place. Do we want monkeypox passports this time around and people treated like second class citizens? I don’t think so.
Millions of people took to the streets of Europe for over 6 months in a row to protest for freedom because they did not want tyranny. Although not all restrictions have been lifted, many have been in many countries by now.
I’m more worried about Global Tyranny than Global Warming.
I am in Canada. It is May 23rd, 2022. My husband, who works for the Feds, and who already was approved to work from home until December 2022, was placed on leave w/o pay in February. Unemployment insurance rules were changed at the same time as mandates for Fed workers were rolled in, in Oct. 2021. No benefits for workers who lost their jobs for refusing the mRNA shots, despite that they paid into the fund for decades. At that point, even the CDC had admitted the shots don't stop transmission. The Union is finally getting around to grieving this (there is a group of workers who were impacted). When I return in person in June to my education job, I must mask up, despite that I've been around 300 plus children the past month in my other job, maskless. My daughter works retail P/T. Customers don't need masks. Staff do. Tyranny is here. Oh Canada.
Dear Peter,
People were even banned from hospitals! From being treated for chronic diseases like diabetes, or for hemodialysis. If it’s not a covid death, it doesn’t matter.