CLIMATE MADNESS: Wind turbines FREEZING in the cold
Maybe they would work better if we had more global warming?
Here is something you will not hear about on the mainstream media.
Lately, Sweden has seen record cold temperatures. We just had the COLDEST temperatures of the century. In a town outside Arjeplog, it was a chilling -48,8C (almost -56 Fahrenheit).
It was too cold for the new "green" electric busses in Sweden. In one city, they had to cancel most of the bus routes because they couldn't handle the cold weather.
But what about the wind turbines that are supposed to provide renewable energy to these electric busses?
Turns out that they don't like the cold weather very much either...
It's now being reported that ice on the wind turbine blades has caused a massive loss in electricity production during the cold weather.
During several days, they lost more than 1 000 MW of power because of ice on the blades. Essentially the wind turbines froze.
On the 5th of January, seven wind power parks reported a loss of 1 110 MW out of their total production capacity of 2 316 MW.
In other words, the wind turbines froze and lost almost 50% of their capacity in the cold weather. Perhaps if we had some global warming and the temperatures were a little warmer they would work better.
That is a lot.
These unreliable wind turbines cause electricity prices to go up in winter, when people need it the most to heat their homes.
You are paying the bill for the insane climate policies.
And this isn't the first time that the cold weather has caused troubles for wind power. Back on the 15th of December, one wind park in Ã…mot-Lingbo reported the following:
"Weather conditions give icing on wind park. Current icing level gives 100% reduced availability"
You literally cannot make this up.
It's so cold that the wind power turbines are freezing and severely reduces their electricity output.
Where will the electricity come from to power all the new electric busses and cars?
Why is nobody in the media telling you about the problems with wind power in the cold weather?
Well, that is why I wrote this article to tell you about it!
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"It's too COLD for electric busses" and wind turbines etc.
The plan is to destroy the West with the energy madness.
""Green" energy is a scam. It's not supposed to work.
…In truth, the sustainable green energy enslavement network is a fraud from top to bottom. But it is not simply a pipe dream sold to a gullible and ignorant public. It's even worse. It is a carefully crafted lie designed to lead us into our new role as serfs on the neo-feudal plantation in the coming green dystopia." —
Dane Wigington and Mike Adams issue urgent warning for the survival of the human race