Yes. They are psychopaths. That means they're delusional and they don't understand the rest of us, they don't understand other people's emotions, they don't understand right and wrong the way most of us agree to think of it, and they don't CARE about other people-- it's ALL about THEM. That's why they have no problem killing millions or billions of people, to get what they want. But all this doesn't mean they really know what they're doing, or how to do it, or what the outcome will be like... They're often like children in that they imagine things to be a certain way, thinking about a future scenario, and can't understand that they really don't know what the hell they're talking about, or how things actually WORK. They are called "sick in the head" for several good reasons!!
This is why psychopaths should NEVER have power over other people.
Yes like many people on here Peter, they get so rude...we will all be slaves to them/digital currency/microchiped etc., unless you have a private jet and are a millionaire ! I was shocked to see that most of the stars/musicians are all in on this...appears many have sold their souls to the illuminate...
What garbage. I watched 3 minutes and nearly retched at the lies told in that short interval. W/o co2 the planet dies. Regardless of what man does, nature typically negates it via natural eruptions from over 200 volcanos and 1500 under sea ones. All the garbage in this vid is mental masturbation. It feels good, but is mis-guided.
Green energy contribution to available power has advanced 2% in 20 years. At that rate, it will take 98 more years to achieve their goal. And the cost is enormous. Unaffordable and unsustainable since the equipment has to be replaced every 25 years.
FYI: the fact that something helped you brainwash yourself doesn’t mean that everybody around you is as clueless as you are :) your vid is laughable and your attempt is pathetic. please, be kind, go and watch this worthless crap with your sheeple buddies and leave the real humans alone :) thank you…
You must be deluded... I will never have their poison in me and I reject your accusations regarding myself being a sheeple. .You are extremely rude and obviously have NO idea what YOU are talking about... just a very rude nasty spiteful; person is what YOU are. Get a life and stay off of my comments if they are not up to your standards. BTW I do NOT own a TV and my friends are decent people unlike yourself .(lets see if YOU reach my age ... 80) I think not.
I bet, after they suck it out of the athmosphere, they’ll store it and sell it back to the agriculture plants as an ‘innovative air fertiliser’, with lots of buttlicking PR and pervasive advertising :) and the collective ignoramus will swallow this BS as every other one…
Unbelievable... things will get worse as time goes by.... they intend to kill us all with the cold/heat/starvation....poisonous jabs WTF. like I mentioned before I have been banned for life from twitter...also for showing the truth. I was thinking, what about the people that have a wood burning stove... or open fire? they can't stop then surely... I already have my outdoor cooking source for when we get cut off from civilisation..l. the bastards. NB.. I bet that load of chimps will have their heating on Full. Also it's those bloody chem trails doing the shite with the weather... they can tell us to the hour when it's rain or sun etc.,, CRETINS. Must think we are all as brainless as they.
you should make sure that the policy makers freeze at winters and boil at summers too :) first try organizing people’s committees to monitor them and call them out, demanding equality and doing it wisely, along their own talking points. is they won’t listen, then goes the parts of infrastructure leading to their places :) it must be put out of service. I believe that people will be much more decisive in this aspect of the hoax than in the plandemic one, and they will be really furious, so it isn’t impossible to get them acting.
No one is going to freeze at 19C that said this is being done as a stepping stone, incrimentalization. When the government is ready to enact tyranny it does it it small easily acceptable amounts to defeat resistance. Afetr all anyone unwilling to agree to a 19C limit during an energy crisis is being selfish. The issue is they will continue to reduce this is small amounts until they can get it down low enough to do some serious damage to most people. It's easier to portray people as being selfish when they refuse to agree to heating restrictions when you do them in small increments because human beings are designed to adapt. The trick is to do it in just enough increments that it moves the needle without triggering to much resistance. At some point they will hit a floor where going any lower will trigger pushback. At that point the next phase of Authoritarian control will kick in.
In order for teh Authoritarian take over to work and persists they have to bring the majority of the publics along with them willingly. If not they risk revolution and until they have a fully controlled AI run military they can't defeat the masses thus the importance to get the majority to willingly go along with the changes. Who's to say what the next phase will be but I imagine it will have something to do with food or climate. They will use one or both to further justify additional restrictions and they will keep doing this until they have culled the population to a more easily managed number and once the technological advancements allow for the creation and use of AI controlled humanoid like robots that can perform the duties of law enforcement and the military. Once at that point there will no longer be any need to appeal to to the masses.
True and I did not debate or question that the no heat for 6 hours things is bad. My focus is on the 19c cap because that's where all dialogue in the news media about this will take place. One of 2 things is either going to happen, either the No heat for 6 hours was included as a false flag compromise or all debate/discussion about the policy will be focused solely around the 19c cap.
RED HERRING: The no heat for 6 hours nightly thing may have been added with the purpose of being removed later so as to make the 19c cap seem like a reasonable compromise. It is after all a very drastic step to take and if energy supplies were truly bad enough to warrant it then you’d think there’d be more restrictions in place that are throughout the day. Something about the 6 hours of no heat just doesn’t square up. I believe after enough pushback/debate and maybe even some actual deaths because of it they will change the policy, removing the no heat at all and either make the 19c cap longer or possibly even reduce it to say 18c.
NOT A RED HERRING: If the no heat for 6 hours is not there so as to be removed later then you can bet all dialogue/debate around the policy change will be limited to the 19c cap. No one will be allowed to discuss the no heat for 6 hours thing. Some talk will leak thru such as live conversations with non-corrupt politicians but the vast majority will be focused solely around the cap which by itself does not sound unreasonable during an energy crisis.
Which ever one it is you have to work within what they will allow and in both scenarios its discussion of whether or not a 19c (or lower) cap is reasonable or not and few are going to say it’s not reasonable because as humans we don’t want to be isolated as that guy who refused to make a reasonable compromise that others were wiling to make and you will be made out to be the selfish person who refused to make a small sacrifice. They used this same tactic with great effect on masking and vaccine acceptance. As humans we quickly adapt so once they get enough public buy-in to the 19c cap it’s only a matter of time before they start to reduce it in small reasonable sounding increments. If the end goal is to get us down to say 10c they aren’t going to go from 19c to 10c in one go, they will do it in 1 degree increments over time. Incrimentalization is a highly effective tactic for those in power to change society.
It all about psychology and you have to play that game. If the no heat thing is not a red herring they are not going allow any debate about, not in the media/news. Instead we have to point out how the 19c cap is about getting that initial limitation and how like with all tings the government does, it they will expand it over time in small increments.
that’s why people should be focused instead on making the policy makers adhere to the same rules :) this is all that’s needed, although it will take a lot of time and effort, with the drastic measure of simply destroying the infrastructure that leads to their homes and offices to prevent them from ever using it. it can be done remotely, no need to actually get inside… just make it unusable.
it won’t even take many people to achieve, but I’d really like to hear how a member of the general public will defend the right of those who make their kids and elders suffer, to keep their priviledges :) I bet, people will cheer…
You can destroy society without destroying your own home or even business. They've been doing tis already for years, decades even; it's called a controlled demolition. Public leaders will claim they are gong thru the same pain and suffering but they are professional liars and since they are in control they will keep things opaque so we the peasants are not aware of what is really happening.
I never said the part about no heart usage between 23:00 and 5:500 would knot be another separate issue only that the way they are presenting it is to do it incrementally in order to make it palpable to the majority. What will most likely happen iis they will back down from the NO HEAT between 23:00 and 5:00 hours as a "compromise" and claim they are trying to be reasonable. At that point it will be hard to argue that they are not being reasonable as 19C isn't an unreasonable heat level by any means. Remember they are engaged in psychological warfare, they have to get the majority to go along with their plans so it must always be semi-reasonable. Where things go awry is when the masses continue to compromise until they've compromised themselves into a loosing position. The only TRUE plan is to NEVER compromise because once you do its only a matter of time before you have compromised yourself into defeat.
Peter I wonder why all the trees are being chopped down.... some are over 100 years old, they have taken 12 huge fern trees down this past 2 weeks... any idea why... Rock Cornwall where I live was well known for it's beautiful massive trees...not anymore though.
I just wonder how much more time these idiots need to understand tha centralized power is a curse, be it called democracy, nazism, fascism, or communism. Although it gets worse as you go from one extreme if this list to the other, of course, as power gets more and more centralized.
This is incorrect. IIn democracies, the majority tells the minority "how it will be". And if the minority does not comply, the majority simply forces the minority to comply (under the threat of violence). If power is centralized, the minority has no way to escape the majority tyranny. Democracy means that the majority is the absolute ruler and can do whatever the hell it wants.
The two best examples I can think of: The holocaust and the jab mandates. Both were supported by the majorities. Both are perfect democratic decisions.
Too bad for you if you happened to be a jew among a majority of Germans, or a clean blood among the majority of corona karens. It makes no difference.
Democracy is a hoax. As I said, only idiots fall for it (and I admit I was an idiot some time ago).
PS: The fact that the majority supported the holocaust and jab mandates (and this is a fact, although we don't need to debate that) is not necessary for the argument. They are just (concrete) examples.
Okay. I should have said DIRECT democracy. But maybe there should also be some personal sovereignty rules, which there are... which is like Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
We long lost out on any REAL democracy, tho... If you live in Murka, like me, you know by now, probably, that it's all a big lie. And it got much, much, much worse just a short while back, like in the 70's, 80's, and then of course, VERY recently...
No, but this is the point. You did not lose democracy... Democracy has always been what it is: Mob rule. Direct democracy is *also* mob rule. Its only advantage with respect to nazism/fascism, and communism, is that tyrannical power is less centralized (at the hands of the majority, which can change over time, instead of being at the hands of "the party").
But it is still a tyrannical system like any other. This is a feature of the system, not a bug. These rules that you mentioned (i.e., individual rights) are completely inconsistent with any form of democracy.
The solution is to decentralize. Break down large countries into way smaller ones. Into the size of neighborhoods at least. Then people simply flee when commies, nazis, or karens take over.
democracy is the mob rule. classic dictatorship and monarchy is the rule of powerful minority.
and what we have now is totalitarianism: the rule of powerful minority with the help of brainwashed masses :) the XXcent. invention. this is what happens when democracy is taken for granted and isn’t monitored anymore…
I understand what you are saying, but I disagree. The mob still does as it wants in most democracies (except in the US, Brazil, etc, where the vote count has been compromised). Everywhere else, the mob is still in charge.
What we see unfolding in the US since this nonsense of democracy started is mob rule. It has only gotten worse since 1800's and it will get worse still.
But I agree that the mob is easily manipulated by the elites, in addition to being composed of a bunch of idiots. So you can argue that the elites are effectively in charge for now. Yet, if the mob one day wakes up and say that we are going to decapitate everyone in the elite, this will be perfectly consistent with democracy.
Of course, (for the US in particular) you need a large mob, 2/3 of the senate, to make a new constitution and erase defense for this type of law. But a big mob can legally make a "holocaust" of the elites: Literally chop their heads off. Thinking about it now, maybe this fear is the way to make the elites behave better. Not that I hold my breath waiting for it, tho.
In addition, the mob can easily decide to chop our heads off and we will not have anywhere to run. This is why centralized democracy is so dangerous.
I agree with decentralization, absolutely. Local, local, local, for most things.
But democracy has never really been... not because it's "mob rule," but because it's been oligarchy, from the git go, at least here in Murka, and probably most places. I think Sweden had a pretty cool thing for a while, and other places, briefly...
I think the problem is WEALTH DISTRIBUTION.
As long as everything is run by the wealthy, who tend to be a lot of sociopaths/psychopaths, we're going to have the same problems forever. I think we need to address the issue of WEALTH and think about a cap, and some other glaring issues that spring from that.
Even if we assume that "real democracy has never been implemented", just like "real communism", it is still a fact of democracy that the majority can do whatever the hell it wants: The majority is the absolute ruler. Like an absolutist king.
If 50% + 1 decide to kill 50% -1 (or maybe a supra majority instead of 50%, so they can re-write the constitution from scratch), this will be a perfectly democratic decision. Absolutely nothing within the democratic system prevents this. Everything that prevents this from happening is outside the democratic sphere.
This massacre did not happen exactly like that yet because not enough people want. But we are almost there. The jab mandates are a great recent example, as I said.
2. Use plenty of insulation to retain heat. Plastic film over windows; serious blankets or feather beds; low temp rated sleeping bags.
3. long johns.
When I was a kid, I slept in an unheated room in an uninsulated house. I had two feather beds (basically a large bag with goose down in it) and I slept between them. Some days I would wake up w/snow on the bed. But I was never cold.
It is a shame though and many will probably die, which is the desired end result of any govt effort to help you. They just leave the word 'die' off their propaganda. We are here to help you (die).
Hopefully everyone ignores this and uses as much heat as they need to stay comfortable. And should that result in power outages all the better, then their government will be forced to the negotiation table and maybe we could finally put an end to this godforsaken war.
This isn't about climate change, or a fuel shortage, or whether 66 degrees is warm enough...
This is about tyranny. Nothing else.
Because when did the People decide it's okay to be told how to live by ... anyone?
PS There is no "climate crisis," all this is manufactured BS.
They want total control.
Yes. They are psychopaths. That means they're delusional and they don't understand the rest of us, they don't understand other people's emotions, they don't understand right and wrong the way most of us agree to think of it, and they don't CARE about other people-- it's ALL about THEM. That's why they have no problem killing millions or billions of people, to get what they want. But all this doesn't mean they really know what they're doing, or how to do it, or what the outcome will be like... They're often like children in that they imagine things to be a certain way, thinking about a future scenario, and can't understand that they really don't know what the hell they're talking about, or how things actually WORK. They are called "sick in the head" for several good reasons!!
This is why psychopaths should NEVER have power over other people.
Yes like many people on here Peter, they get so rude...we will all be slaves to them/digital currency/microchiped etc., unless you have a private jet and are a millionaire ! I was shocked to see that most of the stars/musicians are all in on this...appears many have sold their souls to the illuminate... in your dreams ...take a few minutes to see the truth.
What garbage. I watched 3 minutes and nearly retched at the lies told in that short interval. W/o co2 the planet dies. Regardless of what man does, nature typically negates it via natural eruptions from over 200 volcanos and 1500 under sea ones. All the garbage in this vid is mental masturbation. It feels good, but is mis-guided.
Green energy contribution to available power has advanced 2% in 20 years. At that rate, it will take 98 more years to achieve their goal. And the cost is enormous. Unaffordable and unsustainable since the equipment has to be replaced every 25 years.
Give it up greenies. You are being used.
FYI: the fact that something helped you brainwash yourself doesn’t mean that everybody around you is as clueless as you are :) your vid is laughable and your attempt is pathetic. please, be kind, go and watch this worthless crap with your sheeple buddies and leave the real humans alone :) thank you…
You must be deluded... I will never have their poison in me and I reject your accusations regarding myself being a sheeple. .You are extremely rude and obviously have NO idea what YOU are talking about... just a very rude nasty spiteful; person is what YOU are. Get a life and stay off of my comments if they are not up to your standards. BTW I do NOT own a TV and my friends are decent people unlike yourself .(lets see if YOU reach my age ... 80) I think not.
Covid was just a warm-up. The real totalitarianism will be when we must follow 'necessary' rules to stay safe from climate change.
The false theory of CO2 catastrophe is the very core of the coming authoritarian/totalitarian state.
And the fact of the matter is, the CO2 levels are very low, too low.
I bet, after they suck it out of the athmosphere, they’ll store it and sell it back to the agriculture plants as an ‘innovative air fertiliser’, with lots of buttlicking PR and pervasive advertising :) and the collective ignoramus will swallow this BS as every other one…
Yeah, could be. People are easy.
But maybe Covid will change a bit of that, at least for a generation or two... Ya never know.
This is insane. I have no words.
You do great work, thank you
Thank you!
Unbelievable... things will get worse as time goes by.... they intend to kill us all with the cold/heat/starvation....poisonous jabs WTF. like I mentioned before I have been banned for life from twitter...also for showing the truth. I was thinking, what about the people that have a wood burning stove... or open fire? they can't stop then surely... I already have my outdoor cooking source for when we get cut off from civilisation..l. the bastards. NB.. I bet that load of chimps will have their heating on Full. Also it's those bloody chem trails doing the shite with the weather... they can tell us to the hour when it's rain or sun etc.,, CRETINS. Must think we are all as brainless as they.
19 deg also implemented in Denmark - public buildings!
Interesting. Here in Italy it is also for private apartments, so even worse.
Here they are talking about "possible" brown outs - planned black outs!
No idea what people will do with their frozen food in freezers!
They are talking about planned blackouts and energy rationing in Britain and Germany as well.
I wonder if this will be implemented at hotels. Family owned hotels will have it really hard if the guests have to freeze.....they will stay home.
I am staying at an apartment style hotel, and the rules apply here.
you should make sure that the policy makers freeze at winters and boil at summers too :) first try organizing people’s committees to monitor them and call them out, demanding equality and doing it wisely, along their own talking points. is they won’t listen, then goes the parts of infrastructure leading to their places :) it must be put out of service. I believe that people will be much more decisive in this aspect of the hoax than in the plandemic one, and they will be really furious, so it isn’t impossible to get them acting.
Not if they freeze at home. But if we allow for and accept this 66 degrees, soon it will be 46...
Sovereignty: I decide how I live my life, not some political schmo.
Today’s conspiracy theory is tomorrow’s news.
No one is going to freeze at 19C that said this is being done as a stepping stone, incrimentalization. When the government is ready to enact tyranny it does it it small easily acceptable amounts to defeat resistance. Afetr all anyone unwilling to agree to a 19C limit during an energy crisis is being selfish. The issue is they will continue to reduce this is small amounts until they can get it down low enough to do some serious damage to most people. It's easier to portray people as being selfish when they refuse to agree to heating restrictions when you do them in small increments because human beings are designed to adapt. The trick is to do it in just enough increments that it moves the needle without triggering to much resistance. At some point they will hit a floor where going any lower will trigger pushback. At that point the next phase of Authoritarian control will kick in.
In order for teh Authoritarian take over to work and persists they have to bring the majority of the publics along with them willingly. If not they risk revolution and until they have a fully controlled AI run military they can't defeat the masses thus the importance to get the majority to willingly go along with the changes. Who's to say what the next phase will be but I imagine it will have something to do with food or climate. They will use one or both to further justify additional restrictions and they will keep doing this until they have culled the population to a more easily managed number and once the technological advancements allow for the creation and use of AI controlled humanoid like robots that can perform the duties of law enforcement and the military. Once at that point there will no longer be any need to appeal to to the masses.
Actually all heating is banned at night between 11pm and 5am, so people will freeze. Especially in north Italy where it can get cold in the winter.
True and I did not debate or question that the no heat for 6 hours things is bad. My focus is on the 19c cap because that's where all dialogue in the news media about this will take place. One of 2 things is either going to happen, either the No heat for 6 hours was included as a false flag compromise or all debate/discussion about the policy will be focused solely around the 19c cap.
RED HERRING: The no heat for 6 hours nightly thing may have been added with the purpose of being removed later so as to make the 19c cap seem like a reasonable compromise. It is after all a very drastic step to take and if energy supplies were truly bad enough to warrant it then you’d think there’d be more restrictions in place that are throughout the day. Something about the 6 hours of no heat just doesn’t square up. I believe after enough pushback/debate and maybe even some actual deaths because of it they will change the policy, removing the no heat at all and either make the 19c cap longer or possibly even reduce it to say 18c.
NOT A RED HERRING: If the no heat for 6 hours is not there so as to be removed later then you can bet all dialogue/debate around the policy change will be limited to the 19c cap. No one will be allowed to discuss the no heat for 6 hours thing. Some talk will leak thru such as live conversations with non-corrupt politicians but the vast majority will be focused solely around the cap which by itself does not sound unreasonable during an energy crisis.
Which ever one it is you have to work within what they will allow and in both scenarios its discussion of whether or not a 19c (or lower) cap is reasonable or not and few are going to say it’s not reasonable because as humans we don’t want to be isolated as that guy who refused to make a reasonable compromise that others were wiling to make and you will be made out to be the selfish person who refused to make a small sacrifice. They used this same tactic with great effect on masking and vaccine acceptance. As humans we quickly adapt so once they get enough public buy-in to the 19c cap it’s only a matter of time before they start to reduce it in small reasonable sounding increments. If the end goal is to get us down to say 10c they aren’t going to go from 19c to 10c in one go, they will do it in 1 degree increments over time. Incrimentalization is a highly effective tactic for those in power to change society.
It all about psychology and you have to play that game. If the no heat thing is not a red herring they are not going allow any debate about, not in the media/news. Instead we have to point out how the 19c cap is about getting that initial limitation and how like with all tings the government does, it they will expand it over time in small increments.
that’s why people should be focused instead on making the policy makers adhere to the same rules :) this is all that’s needed, although it will take a lot of time and effort, with the drastic measure of simply destroying the infrastructure that leads to their homes and offices to prevent them from ever using it. it can be done remotely, no need to actually get inside… just make it unusable.
it won’t even take many people to achieve, but I’d really like to hear how a member of the general public will defend the right of those who make their kids and elders suffer, to keep their priviledges :) I bet, people will cheer…
You can destroy society without destroying your own home or even business. They've been doing tis already for years, decades even; it's called a controlled demolition. Public leaders will claim they are gong thru the same pain and suffering but they are professional liars and since they are in control they will keep things opaque so we the peasants are not aware of what is really happening.
I never said the part about no heart usage between 23:00 and 5:500 would knot be another separate issue only that the way they are presenting it is to do it incrementally in order to make it palpable to the majority. What will most likely happen iis they will back down from the NO HEAT between 23:00 and 5:00 hours as a "compromise" and claim they are trying to be reasonable. At that point it will be hard to argue that they are not being reasonable as 19C isn't an unreasonable heat level by any means. Remember they are engaged in psychological warfare, they have to get the majority to go along with their plans so it must always be semi-reasonable. Where things go awry is when the masses continue to compromise until they've compromised themselves into a loosing position. The only TRUE plan is to NEVER compromise because once you do its only a matter of time before you have compromised yourself into defeat.
Peter I wonder why all the trees are being chopped down.... some are over 100 years old, they have taken 12 huge fern trees down this past 2 weeks... any idea why... Rock Cornwall where I live was well known for it's beautiful massive trees...not anymore though.
a desperate attempt to rise the level of CO2 to then gaslight the people for it? :)
I just wonder how much more time these idiots need to understand tha centralized power is a curse, be it called democracy, nazism, fascism, or communism. Although it gets worse as you go from one extreme if this list to the other, of course, as power gets more and more centralized.
If we had democracy, we wouldn't be TOLD how it will be, we'd be voting on it.
This is incorrect. IIn democracies, the majority tells the minority "how it will be". And if the minority does not comply, the majority simply forces the minority to comply (under the threat of violence). If power is centralized, the minority has no way to escape the majority tyranny. Democracy means that the majority is the absolute ruler and can do whatever the hell it wants.
The two best examples I can think of: The holocaust and the jab mandates. Both were supported by the majorities. Both are perfect democratic decisions.
Too bad for you if you happened to be a jew among a majority of Germans, or a clean blood among the majority of corona karens. It makes no difference.
Democracy is a hoax. As I said, only idiots fall for it (and I admit I was an idiot some time ago).
PS: The fact that the majority supported the holocaust and jab mandates (and this is a fact, although we don't need to debate that) is not necessary for the argument. They are just (concrete) examples.
Okay. I should have said DIRECT democracy. But maybe there should also be some personal sovereignty rules, which there are... which is like Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
We long lost out on any REAL democracy, tho... If you live in Murka, like me, you know by now, probably, that it's all a big lie. And it got much, much, much worse just a short while back, like in the 70's, 80's, and then of course, VERY recently...
No, but this is the point. You did not lose democracy... Democracy has always been what it is: Mob rule. Direct democracy is *also* mob rule. Its only advantage with respect to nazism/fascism, and communism, is that tyrannical power is less centralized (at the hands of the majority, which can change over time, instead of being at the hands of "the party").
But it is still a tyrannical system like any other. This is a feature of the system, not a bug. These rules that you mentioned (i.e., individual rights) are completely inconsistent with any form of democracy.
The solution is to decentralize. Break down large countries into way smaller ones. Into the size of neighborhoods at least. Then people simply flee when commies, nazis, or karens take over.
democracy is the mob rule. classic dictatorship and monarchy is the rule of powerful minority.
and what we have now is totalitarianism: the rule of powerful minority with the help of brainwashed masses :) the XXcent. invention. this is what happens when democracy is taken for granted and isn’t monitored anymore…
I understand what you are saying, but I disagree. The mob still does as it wants in most democracies (except in the US, Brazil, etc, where the vote count has been compromised). Everywhere else, the mob is still in charge.
What we see unfolding in the US since this nonsense of democracy started is mob rule. It has only gotten worse since 1800's and it will get worse still.
But I agree that the mob is easily manipulated by the elites, in addition to being composed of a bunch of idiots. So you can argue that the elites are effectively in charge for now. Yet, if the mob one day wakes up and say that we are going to decapitate everyone in the elite, this will be perfectly consistent with democracy.
Of course, (for the US in particular) you need a large mob, 2/3 of the senate, to make a new constitution and erase defense for this type of law. But a big mob can legally make a "holocaust" of the elites: Literally chop their heads off. Thinking about it now, maybe this fear is the way to make the elites behave better. Not that I hold my breath waiting for it, tho.
In addition, the mob can easily decide to chop our heads off and we will not have anywhere to run. This is why centralized democracy is so dangerous.
I agree with decentralization, absolutely. Local, local, local, for most things.
But democracy has never really been... not because it's "mob rule," but because it's been oligarchy, from the git go, at least here in Murka, and probably most places. I think Sweden had a pretty cool thing for a while, and other places, briefly...
I think the problem is WEALTH DISTRIBUTION.
As long as everything is run by the wealthy, who tend to be a lot of sociopaths/psychopaths, we're going to have the same problems forever. I think we need to address the issue of WEALTH and think about a cap, and some other glaring issues that spring from that.
Even if we assume that "real democracy has never been implemented", just like "real communism", it is still a fact of democracy that the majority can do whatever the hell it wants: The majority is the absolute ruler. Like an absolutist king.
If 50% + 1 decide to kill 50% -1 (or maybe a supra majority instead of 50%, so they can re-write the constitution from scratch), this will be a perfectly democratic decision. Absolutely nothing within the democratic system prevents this. Everything that prevents this from happening is outside the democratic sphere.
This massacre did not happen exactly like that yet because not enough people want. But we are almost there. The jab mandates are a great recent example, as I said.
Praying for you, and the world.
We will be ignoring such mad rules.
I hope millions do, too.
If you comply, you’re throwing what’s left of your freedoms away.
The secret to unheated houses is to:
1. Drip the water so pipes don't freeze.
2. Use plenty of insulation to retain heat. Plastic film over windows; serious blankets or feather beds; low temp rated sleeping bags.
3. long johns.
When I was a kid, I slept in an unheated room in an uninsulated house. I had two feather beds (basically a large bag with goose down in it) and I slept between them. Some days I would wake up w/snow on the bed. But I was never cold.
It is a shame though and many will probably die, which is the desired end result of any govt effort to help you. They just leave the word 'die' off their propaganda. We are here to help you (die).
Hopefully everyone ignores this and uses as much heat as they need to stay comfortable. And should that result in power outages all the better, then their government will be forced to the negotiation table and maybe we could finally put an end to this godforsaken war.
there should be no negotiations with liars. uncompromising ultimatum from the people should be the softest solution.
As usual, exactly what you predicted years ago is coming true!